Privacy Statement MODA STRADA

We are aware of and appreciate the fact that you put your trust in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. In this statement, we will therefore explain to you which personal details we collect and use, and with what goal, so you are informed about this before you use your website and create an account with us. This way, you will understand exactly how we work. We will also carefully watch the relevance of the law protecting personal details (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) to ensure your personal details are processed and secured properly.

This privacy policy applies to the services of MODA STRADA. You do need to be aware that MODA STRADA is not responsible for the privacy policy of other websites and sources. We cannot guarantee that other parties will handle your personal details with care and in a secure way. We advise you to read the privacy policy of these websites before you use them.

MODA STRADA respects the privacy of all users of her site and sees to it that the personal information you have disclosed will be handled confidentially.

By using our website, you indicate that you accept our privacy policy.

Our use of collected data

Use of our services
When you sign up for our service, we ask you to provide us with your personal details. These details will be used to perform our services. The details will be stored on our own secured servers. We shall not combine this data with other personal details that we own.

When you email us, send us messages or respond via the website, we might save this data. This data will be saved on MODA STRADA’s own, secured server. We shall not combine these details with other personal details we might possess.

We collect data for research, to get a better insight into our visitors, so we can adapt our services to them. The website uses “cookies” (little text files that are placed on your computer) to help the website analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website can be transferred to the secured servers of MODA STRADA. We use this data to track how the website is used, to report on the website-activity and to offer other services related to website-activity and internet use.

Turn off cookies
Most browsers are set to accept cookies, but you can reinstall your browser in such a way that it denies cookies or notifies you when a cookie is sent. It is however possible that some functions and services on our and other websites do not function correctly when cookies are turned off in your browser.

We collect or use no data for goals different than the goals described in this privacy policy, unless we have your explicit consent to do so. Your email address will be used to send you available offers in your preferred region, provided that you have given us permission to do so. The phone number placed on the register form will not be used for commercial goals, but only practical ones related to our services.

Third parties
The information you provide us with is not shared with third parties except for web applications that we use for the benefit of our shop. This data will only be used for the purpose of the particular application and will not be further spread. Furthermore the information can be shared internally in some cases. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your information.

This privacy policy is tailored to the use and possibilities of this site. Possible changes of the site can lead to alterations in this privacy policy. Therefore, it is wise to read the privacy policy regularly, so that you are sure you have the latest version.
Alterations will be announced on our website at least 30 days prior.

Right to inspect, correct and delete
We offer all visitors the possibility to inspect, correct or delete of all their personal information provided to us at that moment. For any questions about this matter, you can always contact us.

Altering/unsubscribe newsletter service
At the bottom of every mailing, you find the possibility to alter your details or to unsubscribe.

Altering/unsubscribe communication
If you want to alter your details or want us to remove you from our files, you can contact us. Please find our contact details below.

Questions and feedback
We regularly check if we are following our own privacy policy. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us: